
Posts filed under: Truck Driving

Driver retention has been a big focus over the past five years. The reports of an ever-present driver shortage seem to be a mainstay in the news, and older truckers......
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The trucking industry often gets overlooked in mental health discussions. While mental health is extremely important at all times, now more than ever, we need to focus on the well-being......
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Charity drives to help workers in the trucking industry are nothing new. Truckers get sick. Truckers become temporarily incapacitated. Carriers go bankrupt. Whatever the reason, unemployment benefits are not always......
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The vehicle-miles-traveled tax (or VMT tax) is once again making its way to the forefront as lawmakers seek to fund the repair and maintenance of the highway system in the......
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Fuel expenses rank among the biggest concerns for trucking companies of all sizes. The cost of fuel is a big part of every budget in the trucking industry, and prices......
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