
Posts filed under: Blog

The ATA approached the United States Senate with a plan for national economic recovery, with a focus on the trucking industry. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic downturn, the......
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Charity drives to help workers in the trucking industry are nothing new. Truckers get sick. Truckers become temporarily incapacitated. Carriers go bankrupt. Whatever the reason, unemployment benefits are not always......
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Shipping rates are experiencing downward pressure in some markets. Even as some states reopen during the pandemic in a move to kick-start the economy, shippers and brokers still maintain leverage......
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The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association is placing pressure on Congress to pass legislation that would help protect independent truckers and small trucking companies alike from less-than-ethical practices used by some......
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Working capital is crucial to the success of trucking companies. However, as banks tighten credit requirements and lower lending limits, carriers need a reliable source of working capital to maintain......
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Alabama, Florida, and other states have started to lift restrictions on their stay-at-home mandates, and other states are slated to follow throughout the month of May. Reopening states is not......
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The past few years have seemed like a roller coaster for the trucking industry. Up until 2017, demand for capacity was very high. 2018 saw demand artificially increase due to......
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In both strong and soft economic conditions, two things remain constant. One, the trucking industry is the backbone of the American economy and allows commerce to take place on a......
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