Alabama, Florida, and other states have started to lift restrictions on their stay-at-home mandates, and other states are slated to follow throughout the month of May. Reopening states is not only a sign of confidence after the fist wave of...
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The past few years have seemed like a roller coaster for the trucking industry. Up until 2017, demand for capacity was very high. 2018 saw demand artificially increase due to threats of tariffs on products coming into the US from...
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In both strong and soft economic conditions, two things remain constant. One, the trucking industry is the backbone of the American economy and allows commerce to take place on a national and international scale. Two, the constant need for working...
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Since the first cases of COVID-19 were diagnosed, businesses in all industries have been looking for reliable sources of working capital. With new pressures placed on trucking companies to reinforce supply chains to keep products moving to businesses and customers...
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When people think of first responders in a crisis, firefighters, police, and healthcare workers immediately come to mind. In our current climate with the COVID-19 pandemic, we need to recognize that truckers are on the front lines, providing goods and...
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March saw a tremendous surge in shipping for the trucking industry. Volume jumped by over 30%, and trucking companies were hard-pressed to keep supply chains moving to match the demand of consumers. “Panic purchasing” swept the country as people were...
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2019 was a turbulent year for the trucking industry. The lag in demand forced trucking companies to lay off drivers and, in extreme cases, close up shop entirely. Our current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic has mixed things up even...
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Back in January, California’s AB5 bill received a ruling stating that owner-operators could not be classified as employees of the fleets they were driving for as independent truckers. This was a win-win for trucking companies and owner-operators alike. However, with...
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The COVID-19 pandemic pushed businesses in every industry to take precautions to keep commerce moving while reducing potential exposure to the coronavirus. However, our economy relies on the trucking industry, so it is of the utmost importance to keep drivers...
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As the demands for food and medical supplies skyrocket, spot rates are rising by as much as whole points. As truckers rush to keep shelves stocked all across the United States, the industry is making a bounce back from where...
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