
Get Started Today.

Fill out the application below to get started with DriverPay and an advisor will be in touch shortly to complete your application process.
DriverPay Application Form

Business Owners/Officers

General Information

Maximum file size: 10MB

Maximum file size: 10MB

By signing below, you acknowledge that the foregoing information is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. Further, the information is being given voluntarily by authorized parties to Express Freight Finance in order to evaluate you and your business for a potential Factoring Relationship. Your signature authorizes Express Freight Finance or its agents to conduct credit and/or background checks on the business principals in order to determine your suitability for entering into a Factoring Relationship with Express Freight Finance. You also agree that Express Freight Finance or its agents are authorized to obtain the necessary credit reports and/or background reports pertaining to the parties represented in this Application Form, including but not limited to all principals of the company.