Freight payroll, in both trucking and railroads, was cut drastically in April. In an industry desperate to hire career drivers, and facing a loss of employees, why is freight payroll being slashed? Expanding Freight Payroll Since the start of 2018,...
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The opioid crisis in the United States is nothing new. The cases of people abusing opioids in America came to the forefront in 2016, and has remained a bullet point from the White House on down since. But now the...
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Over the past five years, the number of small trucking fleets in the United States has exploded. As of 2018, fleets holding no more than six trucks are approaching 180,000. With the trucking industry at large facing a major driver...
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For the first time in roughly four years, truckload carriers have the upper hand in relationships with customers, not the other way around. With double-digit hikes in contract rates and a booming economy, the demand for truckload carriers is approaching...
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Human trafficking continues to be a major concern concern in the United States and around the world. Everyone from the President on down to local law enforcement has recognized the horrors of trafficking. Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT) has been holding...
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Port truckers help to move international trade and commerce. Products and raw materials are unloaded at the docks, and then port truckers haul them to retailers and other destinations. In California, new legislation has been introduced which could reform how...
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Rep. Jeff Denham (R-California) offered up an amendment to the House’s Federal Aviation Administration Authorization Bill. With this addition, the bill may end up putting the Federal Aviation Administration at direct odds with the Teamsters Union and the trucking industry...
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Online retail is nothing new. Customers have been making purchases from eBay and Amazon for decades now, and those items are delivered via UPS, FedEx, or the regular postal service. However, with online retail sites offering almost anything under the...
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Earlier this month, the “hard enforcement” of electronic logging devices went into effect. While many drivers have not really noticed anything different, the statistics are showing different trucking trends. As we start the second quarter of 2018, more than four...
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Trucking expenses hit all time highs for the first quarter in 2018. However, those in the industry and on the outside should not confuse high trucking expenses with cash flow problems. Trucking Expenses Signal A Strong Economy Trucking expenses had...
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