While the cost of gas and labor are causing manufacturers to raise the price of goods, women in trucking are working hard to offset the strain placed on the transportation industry, and not just by becoming certified drivers.
Women in Trucking are Closing the Gap
A while back, we reported that recruiters were targeting women as a likely source of drivers for the trucking industry. Women could get more pay for their work in trucking than in comparable positions in other industries. This was part of the movement to reduce the growing lack of available drivers who are juggling both rising customer demands in a strong economy and the restrictions of the service hours allowed by the recent ELD mandate.
Some Women are Starting at the Top
Late last month, Expediter Services announced that its collaboration with the Women In Trucking Association has helped to launch more than 30 women-owned trucking businesses. The businesses themselves range from owner-operators to fleets, all with women at the top calling the shots. To see this much growth in the trucking industry come from one collaboration may help supply chains now and in the future. With a growing demand for capacity in the current economy, having women in trucking – be it as drivers, fleet owners, or running logistics behind the scenes – will make things easier for truckers across the country.
It’s More than Just Diversity
It’s true that the Women in Trucking Association seeks a more diverse landscape in the trucking industry, and to minimize obstacles facing women within the industry. Right now, however, men and women agree that having people who are capable of driving trucks and managing logistics is of the utmost importance. The shortage of drivers has increased the cost of shipping for clients. While this is good for the trucking industry, its side effect is that consumers will see increased prices at the stores, and manufacturers raise the costs of goods to offset what they are paying to carriers. With the driver gap projected to grow over the next few years, and the burden on major carriers increasing, getting more women into the trucking industry at all levels may be the best chance we have at balancing things for everyone across the board.