Categories: Trucking

How to Maximize Your Fleet’s Fuel Performance

If you’ve ever added up your fleet fuel costs for the month (or even for a week) and been floored at the cost, you’re not alone. Fuel costs add up quickly, especially when there are a lot of vehicles in your fleet and they’re not exactly Priuses when it comes to gas mileage. However, there are a few simple ways to maximize your fleet fuel efficiency without downgrading to a smaller vehicle. Here are six.

1. Keep your tires properly inflated. By monitoring your tire pressure and adding air when they’re low, you’ll not only reduce tire wear and make the truck safer and smoother to drive, but you’ll save on fuel costs. Just 1 psi of under-inflation will translate to a less gas-efficient vehicle.

2. Replace your air filter. If it’s clogged, it can damage other parts inside your engine and ultimately make your engine perform less efficiently. A clean air filter protects your engine and can increase fuel efficiency by up to 10%.

3. When driving, accelerate and decelerate gradually. Train your drivers not to gun it or slam on the brakes, but to increase and decrease speed more slowly so they don’t burn a lot of fuel just getting up to the correct speed.

4. Flush out the fuel system periodically. For maximum engine performance, you want a clean fuel injector, combustion chamber, and intake valve. The fuel system is very easy to clean yourself, using an intake system cleaner kit.

5. Plan the most efficient routes. Cut out miles of driving time by taking one trip to a destination instead of having drivers overlap by going in the same direction. Consider not only individual routes, but how you can combine routes and save time.

6. Remove unnecessary weight. If your truck has more to carry, it stands to reason that it will have to expend more effort. Before long trips, remove any equipment or cargo that you don’t need.

Simple maintenance and changes in your routine can save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars at the pump. Begin implementing these practices as soon as possible for the best fleet fuel efficiency.

Express Freight Finance:
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