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Blockchain Could Improve Trucking Recruitment Efforts

Blockchain technology gets thrown around a lot these days for everything from pharmaceuticals to cryptocurrency like BitCoin. However, blockchain is most useful in the trucking industry, where it provides drivers, shippers, and fleet owners with quantifiable data about shipments that can be analyzed right down to the individual item in the trailer. Recently some analysts saw how blockchain could be used to improve recruiting campaigns for the trucking industry to fill job vacancies across the country.

A Blockchain Primer

Blockchain is a very simple concept with very powerful results. Sensors in a truck – and sometimes on the shipment items themselves – gather tons of data along the trip ranging from temperature to location, speed, shipment info, origin, destination, and a bunch of other things. This means that there are thousands of data points on a single item in a truck. By extension, every driver becomes a wealth of information. Blockchain technology is extremely secure, and to date has not been successfully compromised in any way. Independent drivers and fleet owners have the ability to set permissions on blockchain, which only gives people with the right permissions access to the data.

Improving Recruitment and Salaries

Drivers who have a good handle on Blockchain and how to use it can get an increase in their salaries by roughly ten percent. In an industry that is becoming increasingly integrated with technology, understanding how to use and leverage information places a driver towards the top of the talent pool. Similarly, more people are entering the workforce who have a grasp of blockchain from keeping up with cryptocurrency, which is increasingly popular among the younger demographic. Appealing to the tech-savvy drivers by allowing them to use blockchain is a great way to fill job vacancies in your fleet. While many in the trucking industry may be resistant to change or simply still in shock because of how much tech has been placed on our plates in the past year alone, learning blockchain is relatively easy and there are a number of online resources available to everyone.

Blockchain technology is here to stay, and will only become more advanced and more accurate as we move forward, but it could be one of the biggest solutions to a number of issues within the trucking industry if used properly.

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