Categories: Trucking

Diabetes: A Rising Concern Within The Trucking Industry

Throughout the United States, diabetes is becoming a very coming health problem. However, within the trucking industry, the occurrence of diabetes is 50 percent higher than in other industries. With the robot revolution of self-driving trucks getting delayed at every turn, drivers need to watch their health to manage and prevent diabetes.

Influencing Factors

There are a number of reasons why truckers are more prone to diabetes than people in other industries. First, trucking careers do not afford drivers much time to be active. Truckers spend most of their time sitting behind the wheel, or sleeping, when they are on long hauls. Second, the eating habits of many truckers are not the healthiest. Due to time constraints and ease of access, most drivers grab what they can at filling stations or truck stops. The food selections at both locations are very limited, and are usually high in calories, sugars, and carbohydrates, which do nothing to help manage or prevent diabetes. Third, the sleep schedules of truckers tend to throw off metabolic functions. While a lack of sleep can slow things down, “fixing” things with caffeine, sugar, and energy drinks does not help.

Managing And Preventing Diabetes

There are a number of things truck drivers can do to manage and prevent the onset of diabetes. First and foremost, truckers need to start exercising more. Whether it is a few jumping jacks in your motel room or doing a few laps around your own vehicle while it’s parked, exercise helps to burn a few calories and it kick starts your metabolism. Being active helps to combat a sedentary career. Next, consider your diet. Even though filling stations and rest stops do not have the widest selection of things to eat, there are better options than a bag of chips and a high-octane energy drink. Even convenience stores sell fresh fruit. Switch to drinking water or milk. Try to avoid fruit juices because many are made with corn syrup and sugars which can hurt your health in the long run. Opt for tuna or low-sodium beef jerky if you need protein. And please, start taking multivitamins. There is not much that can be done about sleep schedules, but so not push yourself beyond your limits, if anything, for your own safety as well as the safety of others on the road.

Talk To The Professionals

While there are a number of things truckers can do to manage diabetes, nothing beats a regular check-up with your doctor. Try to schedule an appointment once every month or every few months and please listen to their advice.

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